Our Products
We are not a manufacturer of test equipment. Our goal is to be able to provide non-biased advice, education and consulting to the test engineering community, and being a test equipment manufacturer would interfere with that.
A.T.E. Solutions, Inc., however, has developed some products over the years that meet the above limitations, but provide a great value to the test community. These products include:
» High-Speed Input/Output Tester (HiSPINOUT)
Hi-SPINOUT operates as an automatic test equipment (ATE) that performs tests on high-speed input/output ports and buses to find manufacturing and in-use defects on circuit boards and systems. It can also be configured as an auxiliary test instrument and communicate with any other ATE over a serial bus. It includes a complete and easy to run test program set (TPS) that also locates and diagnoses the source of the defect or failure. HiSPINOUT can be connected to military ATE – such as eCASS, VDATS and IFTE – and used as an integral part of a line replaceable unit (LRU) TPS. Currently, HiSPINOUT tests the USB 3.0 bus. Other high-speed (or low speed) bus testing applications, as they become available, can be run on the same HiSPINOUT hardware platform.
» The Test Flow Simulator
A spreadsheet-based program that allows manufacturing operations to check the economic performance of several test strategies and test mixes
» The Testability Director
A spreadsheet-based set of Design for Testability (DFT) guidelines that enables test and design engineers to work together towards a more testable circuit
» The Built-In Test Exerciser and Sensor (BITESTM) board-level test chip
A patented design for a single-chip tester that can be added to or synthesized in a FPGA to provide on-board built-in self test (BIST) capabilities. Available under licensing.
A cross translator between two different ATEs.
Weapon System Testability Analyzer (WSTA)
Developed for the US Navy and awarded under CRADA to A.T.E. Solutions, Inc. for commercialization, this software is available with certain on-site DFT courses