Consulting Services
A.T.E. Solutions, Inc. is a leader in test consulting for the electronics profession.
Consulting is a catch-all phrase that is not easily categorized, but we have the following consulting options briefly described below. Click on the link for more information:
A.T.E. Solutions, Inc. is a world leader in electronics test consulting. We consult directly in many facets of test planning and testability topics. We have been providing solutions for test problems to both commercial and military clients for more than twenty years. Our service is never compromised.
Each consulting service is unique, but we have classified some general areas.
- Test Requirements Analysis
- Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
- Design for Testability Analysis and Consulting
- Built-In Self Test Consulting
- ATE Selection and Test Market Consulting
- Test Program Consulting
- ConsulTraining
- Expert Witnessing
- The 1-Stop Test Service – If it has to do with test and we can’t do it or don’t have it, we’ll try to find it.
» The 1-STOP Test Service
This unique service takes advantage of our large network in test. If it has to do with test, we know where to find it. If you need test programs, test services, failure analysis, specific types of ATEs to buy or borrow, to test a product before you have an ATE, or anything connected with test, simply call us. If you want to buy used ATE or see if someone developed the test program you about to start, give us a call. We will either give you the answer along with our compliments, direct you to someone else, or quote you a price.
» Test Experts of Counsel
“Of Counsel” is an agreement whereby A.T.E. Solutions, Inc. will be retained for as little as 8 hours per month for a set fee on a continuous basis. In addition to your regular test engineering team, which may be tied up with daily test engineering tasks, your company will have the expertise available not only from core A.T.E. Solutions, Inc. test professionals but also from the network of test engineering connections we have with literally thousands of test professionals around the world who deal with or have dealt with similar obstacles you are facing. Because we are retained on a continuous basis as your company’s long term consultants, we will continually research and inform you of new developments in the field. Note that our relationship and the methodologies our clients use are strictly protected under Nondisclosure Agreements and we do not share those. We do, however, continually research current literature on test and testability and we also formulate our own solutions to the ever-changing technological challenges. Furthermore, we maintain a data base of expertise that other test professionals have and we can obtain their services as needed. To learn more about this unique service, contact

Louis Y. Ungar
A.T.E. Solutions, Inc.
400 Continental Blvd., 6th Floor
El Segundo, CA 90245
Tel: (310) 822-5231
FAX: (310) 305-7703