Our courses are world renown for three major reasons:
- Our instructors are highly knowledgeable in their fields of expertise.
- Our instructors are great teachers, with the ability and caring that it takes to impart knowledge.
- Our instructors are enthusiastic because they care about their profession and about their students.

The instructors:
- Mr. Louis Y. Ungar
Director. Test Engineering, Test Economics, Testability, Built-In Self Test and Diagnostics Instructor - Dr. Jack Alanen
Software Test Instructor - Joe Belmonte
Design for Manufacturability - Dr. Scott Davidson
Economics of Test and Testability, Design for Test - Mr. Michael T. Ellis
Instructor for Military Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) and Avionics Test Program Sets (TPSs) - Dr. Karl Feintuch, Instructor for Quality Assurance and ISO-9000 Courses
- Mr. Manfried (Manny) Meschke
Instructor for Computer and Power Supply Test and Test Management Courses - Dr. Alex Miczo
Instructor for VLSI Test, VHDL and Simulation Courses - Mr. Dev G. Raheja
Instructor for Reliability, Environmental and Stress Screening Courses, including FMEA and Software Safety - Mr. Craig Stoldt
Instructor for TPS Development, ATLAS, ATE Architecture, CASS and TPS Rehosting - We mourn the untimely and tragic death of our instructor and friend, Mr. Janos Vajda. He will always be with us in our hearts and memories.
Click to View Each Instructors’ biography:
- » Mr. Louis Y. Ungar
- » Dr. Jack Alanen
- » Mr. Joe Belmonte
- » Dr. Scott Davidson
- » Mr. Michael T. Ellis
- » Dr. Karl D. Feintuch
- » Mr. Manfried (Manny) Meschke
- » Dr. Alex Miczo
- » Mr. Dev G. Raheja
- » Mr. Craig Stoldt
- » Other Instructors
Mr. Louis Y. Ungar – Director Test Engineering, Test Economics, Testability, Built-In Self Test and Diagnostics Instructor Mr. Ungar received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronics Engineering and Computer Sciences from UCLA and completed course work for a Masters of Arts degree in Management. As a test engineer he designed in-house automatic test equipment (ATE) and developed dozens of test program sets (TPSs). He later became a manager, supervising about thirty test engineers who developed and integrated hundreds of test programs on nearly a dozen different ATEs. He also helped develop a logic simulator with translation capability to various ATE languages. After joining a major aerospace company, Mr. Ungar designed payload systems for the Space Shuttle, where he later led a team of designers. In 1981 Mr. Ungar returned to the testing field and founded the consulting firm later called A.T.E. (for Advanced Test Engineering) Solutions, Inc. He introduced the first university accredited Electronics Test Engineering curriculum at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and later taught these courses at three other universities as well. He has gained world-wide recognition for his articles, texts and lectures on testability and ATE topics. He continues to work as a consultant to industry and governments. His courses have been taught to tens of thousands at publicly held seminars and on-site courses in more than a dozen different countries around the world. Mr. Ungar was elected to the Board of Directors of the American Society of Test Engineers, has served as its National Secretary, was the founding President of the Society’s Los Angeles Chapter and has been recognized as a life time member. Mr. Ungar is a member of the IEEE and is involved in committees which prepare standards for test and testability. In 2002, as the Surface Mount Technology Association’s (SMTA) Testability Committee Chair he helped publish the SMTA Testability Guidelines. He has twice been honored as a biogrophee in WHO’S WHO IN CALIFORNIA and in WHO’S WHO IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. He has authored and co-authored course notes and books on the subjects of test, ATE and Testability. Mr. Ungar’s work in the area of built-in self test (BIST) has earned him United States Patents. He is currently involved with an organization of industry and government experts he founded in order to create testability guidelines for project and corporate management. As Director of The Test Engineering Educational Program, he sets the goals and standards of high scholarship and practical application for all the courses offered by A.T.E. Solutions, Inc. While all our instructors excel in their chosen fields, Mr. Ungar demands that all our instructors also excel in their ability to educate and stimulate the attendees of our courses.
Dr. Jack Alanen – Software Test Instructor Dr. Alanen has over forty years of experience and is a specialist in software metrics. He has extensive teaching background and managed computer centers at various universities. He chaired the computer science department at California State University Northridge. He has also gained industrial experience in senior positions at IBM, Chi Corporation, Litton Guidance and Control Systems Division, Software/Hardware Reliability Inc., Litton Aeoroproducts Division and most recently at Litton Data Systems where he lead the software engineering process group for a large military realtime, embedded software system. He holds BS and MS degrees in Mathematics from Case Institute of Technology and MS and Ph.D. degrees in statistics from Yale University. Dr. Alanen has taught Software Test courses for more than 6 years and is part-time instructor for UCLA Engineering Extension.
Mr. Joe Belmonte – Design for Manaufacturability and Design for eXcellence Joe has been a process engineer and process engineering manager in the electronic manufacturing industry for over 30 years with experience in all aspects of electronic product assembly operations. He holds an Associate Degree in Mechanical Design from Wentworth Institute in Boston and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Operations Technology from Northeastern University in Boston. From 2007 to 2009 he worked at Bose Corporation as the Manager of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and as a Supplier Engineer and was responsible for the development and implementation of all new electronic manufacturing processes at Bose Manufacturing Operations and the training of all Bose Electronic Manufacturing/Process Engineers. From 1995 to 2007 Joe was a Consultant at Cookson Electroics/Speedline Technologies Performance Solutions Group and Project Manger at Speedline Technologies Advanced Process Group where he worked with customers on quality and cycle time improvement projects including performing detailed assessments of their entire manufacturing operation to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement. As Project Manager at Speedline Technologies Joe’s primary responsibilities included managing advanced process development projects (Lead Free Process Development Program, High Volume Fuel Cell Process Development Program, and Miniature Component Assembly Process Development), working with customers on process improvement programs, and providing process training. From 1978 to 1995, Joe worked as a process engineer and process engineering manager at Motorola ISG. Joe has been a senior member of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) for over 20 years, has served as a member of the Electronic Manufacturing Association of SME Board of Advisors and currently serves as a member of the SMTA Board of Directors.
Dr. Scott Davidson – Economics of Test and Testability, Design for Test Scott Davidson has been involved in testing and DFT for more than 30 years, at Bell Laboratories, Intel, and Sun Microsystems. He has published more than 20 papers in areas including fault simulation, sequential test generation, Iddq and test economics. He has been involved with researching and managing fault simulation, test generation, BIST, test translation, DFT implementation, and now monitors and analyzes processor field returns. He has been program chair and general chair of the International Test Conference, the co-founder of three workshops, and the program chair of six. He has been the editor of the Last Byte column in IEEE Design & Test of Computers for 13 years. He has a B.S. from MIT, an M.S. from the University of Illinois, and a PhD from the University of Louisiana, all in Computer Science.
Mr. Michael T. Ellis – Instructor for Military Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) and Avionics Test Program Sets (TPSs) Mike Ellis has conducted seminars for the ATE and TPS Development technical and management community for over twenty years. Mike’s seminars have been attended by over 2000 professionals from over twenty different countries and have been taught on four continents. Mike has published approximately 40 technical papers and over one hundred articles on ATE technology and management topics. He has been honored with numerous awards including the Frank McGinnis Memorial Award from IEEE for leadership in ATE and the NDIA John Slattery Memorial Award for innovation and integrity in test. He is a recognized speaker at IEEE conferences and is a designated Distinguished Instructor by IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS).
Dr. Karl D. Feintuch – Instructor for Quality Assurance and ISO-9000 Courses Dr. Feintuch is a recognized expert in quality assurance, management and ISO-9000. He spent the past twenty-three years in both training and technical management. He worked on nuclear power plant training programs which included simulator and software maintenance. For the past ten years he has worked with such organizations as CAE-Link Corp. and ARINC Research Corp. in establishing, implementing, and coordinating Total Quality Management (TQM) and ISO-9000 activities.
Mr. Manfried (Manny) Meschke – Instructor for Computer and Power Supply Test and Test Management Courses Mr. Meschke has over thirty years of experience in the management, design and application of special purpose and commercial ATE. He has tested and managed the testing of analog, digital and mixed signal circuit boards and systems. He has designed and developed factory level test equipment for position servos, shaft encoders and power supplies. He founded one of the first test engineering consulting firms in the early 1970s where he developed TASC, a functional fault simulator. Recently he worked as a test engineering manager for Western Digital, where he has developed a number of strategies for testing high volume disk controllers and microprocessor based circuits. Mr. Meschke is presently serving as President of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Society of Test Engineers (ASTE).
Dr. Alex Miczo – Instructor for VLSI Test, VHDL and Simulation Courses Dr. Miczo has devoted the past decade to simulation and test generation. He developed TDX, an expert system used for automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) for highly complex VLSI circuits. The first such ATPG to be based on behavioral level description (in VHDL , Verilog HDL, etc.) is a monumental accomplishment in dealing with the test of today’s complex circuits. Author of Digital Logic Testing and Simulation, Dr. Miczo has worked for such companies as Schlumberger and IBM. He received his MS and Ph.D. in Information Science from Syracuse University.
Mr. Dev G. Raheja – Instructor for Reliability, Environmental and Stress Screening Courses, including FMEA and Software Safety Dev Raheja, is an international consultant and trainer in new product development since 1981. Prior to this he served in management positions at Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Inc., General Electric, and Cooper Industries. He is a world leader in Design Assurance and is credited with turning around a major Division of a large corporation from going out of business to achieving Number One market position. Since then he has rescued several businesses. His clients include General Motors, Harley-Davidson, Eaton, Intel, Northern Telecom, IBM, Siemens, Nissan, NASA, Boeing, Mattel, Warner Lambert, Johnson & Johnson, Lockheed-Martin, British Telecom, Ford, Apple Computer, and U.S. Navy. He served as Adjunct Professor at the University of Maryland for its Ph.D. program in Reliability Engineering during 1994-99. He serves as Adjunct Professor at the University of Maryland for its graduate programs in Reliability Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. He has received several awards including the Scientific Achievement Award and Educator-of-the-Year Award from the System Safety Society. He is an author of McGraw-Hill best technical sellers Assurance Technologies: Principles and practices” (1991). He has taught courses Designing for Reliability, Designing for Safety, and Developing Innovation Skills. In 2012, he published the book “Design for Reliability (Wiley).
Mr. Craig Stoldt – Instructor for TPS Development, ATE Architecture, CASS and TPS Rehosting Craig Stoldt has been actively involved with the ATE industry since 1971. For 28 years, he was involved with the development of application test programs for the military. This involved development of test requirements documents (TRDs) and TPSs including ITA design and software integration, primarily in the ATLAS language. His background led to his professional involvement with the NSIA (now NDIA) MATE and CASS User groups where he chaired the TPS Development Committees for several years. He currently serves as a member at large on the NDIA Automatic Test Committee helping to bridge the communications between the DOD and industry. His experience also led him into a role as an instructor of ATE test development requirements, ATLAS coding and other test related requirements for both US and foreign military organizations. Craig has delivered papers and chaired technical sessions at Autotestcon and participated in multiple studies through the NDIA on TPS application and planning activities in conjunction with various DOD agencies. In 1999, Craig was awarded the NDIA John F. Slattery Memorial Award in recognition of outstanding technical contributions to the ATE industry. In 2016, Craig was awarded the most prestigious McGinnis Award by AUTOTESTCON.
A number of other test professionals teach courses for us, especially when a customized on-site course requires a particular expertise. Test professional with special expertise who wish to teach a test related course should write to us at See our complete selection of Educational Courses and Resources