Cost Estimating Guidelines with ProfitPro


Cost Estimating Guidelines with ProfitPro<sup>TM</sup>
Software by Dr. Ronald Lasky

As in all industries profit is the motive for the electronics assembly industry. Therefore, understanding assembly cost should be a prime concern. The stakes are indeed great as approximately 10 to 15% of the $1.5 trillion electronics industry is assembly cost. Surprisingly, there does not appear to be a systematic approach to cost estimating in the industry.

Featuring ProfitPro TM, an Excel®-based software application that calculates the cost and profit related to PWB assembly, the SMTA Cost Estimating Guidelines for electronic assembly will review some efforts to remedy this situation. ProfitPro TM is user-friendly in that it has “default” values of cost metrics if the user does not know them, and it can calculate “what-if scenarios.”

• Format: Software
• Author: Dr. Ronald Lasky
• Copyright Year: 2011
• Number of Pages: 25

SKU: 1808007-SW Category: